Hello World!


Dhwani Sikri


  1. So for the first step I used Oblique strategy cards to create the two names of the valley. I took a keyword from oblique strategy cards and fed them into the anagram generator
    So I took Finest Exquisite and it created Fixates Requiem
    And then consistency and it created Cynics Stone
    For my general writing of the story I used
    For the old man's name I put the word the old man in chaNG then I took this paragraph and put it into n+7 which got me man-eater
    For the title of this “No that looks so weird and slimey put it back”
    I put this into the Botnik predictive voice, and edited this slightly to make more sense. But key words like Weird and slimy came up.
    I used to transcribe my story and help me figure out the different choose your own adventure parts.
    I then took the transcribe and edited it to make more sense if there were any transcribing errors.
    During my writing process of the game I used oblique strategy cards
    which were about three different ones which helped me create new outcomes for the game.
    “State the problem in words as clearly as possible”
    “Make a sudden, destructive unpredictable action; incorporate”
    “What wouldn't you do “
    This helped me create the outcomes for the wolf arch which I was stuck on in the end.
    I was not sure what to make for the arches that did not lead to the goldfish devouring the wolves.
    So The cards helped me think and outline my story in a new way to create a new message.
    For this project and class I believe I deserve an A because I gave it my best shot in learning HTML Javascript and CSS.
    These are scripts that I was very unfamiliar with in a world that was super unfamiliar to me.
    I tried my best to do what I could with the resources given and went on my own to find tutorials written and videos to incorporate the materials needed for the class.
    I now have a better grasp and am more confident in using HTML and CSS and the new world of javascript I find very interesting.
    This class has allowed me to be more comfortable with coding and even explore more options in the coding universe.
    Especially when doing Gme jams for my extra curricular it makes me a better asset for the team if I have the skill of HTML and CSS.